如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2023年7月17日


展览贡献者:博士. 詹妮弗·鲍德温, 约书亚Registe, Paul Thies

在这一集的如果/当中,我们探索了智能O&与两位来自亚洲体育博彩平台的专家——Digital OneWater战略增长主管. 詹妮弗·鲍德温 and 约书亚Registe, data scientist and environmental engineer.

We discussed the concept of “OneWater” and how digital tools enable greater support for water management facilities and professionals, as well as the positive environmental impacts that digitally enabled water operations can achieve.



在担任亚洲体育博彩平台的Digital OneWater战略增长主管期间, Dr. 詹妮弗·鲍德温 is responsible for unifying 亚洲体育博彩平台’ portfolio of digital tools that support an integrated and collaborative OneWater approach to water management. Dr. 鲍德温还担任美国外交事务高级专员.S. South Conveyance and Storage Regional 解决方案 Lead for 亚洲体育博彩平台 and is a principal technologist specializing in assembling and leading large program teams and planning and successfully delivering multi-billion-dollar water and wastewater infrastructure programs. 她有20多年的工作经验, providing process mechanical expertise and quality assurance/quality control on a variety of infrastructure development projects, specializing in wastewater conveyance facilities such as pump stations and storage facilities.


约书亚Registe 是首席数据科学家和专业工程师吗, recognized for his expertise in environmental engineering and advanced analytics. 在这两个领域都有独特的技能, he stands at the forefront of cutting-edge AI solution development for 亚洲体育博彩平台 聪明的啊&M和外部客户,正面应对复杂的环境挑战. 约书亚的贡献跨越了广泛的关键领域, 包括固体处理, 消毒, 混凝剂的优化, 营养物去除, 能源优化等. 采用先进的统计技术, 预测建模, 深度学习, 可扩展计算, 他利用数据的力量来提供独特而复杂的解决方案. 除了担任首席数据科学家和专业工程师之外, Joshua takes pride in mentoring and guiding aspiring professionals in the field. 通过他的指导, he fosters the next generation of environmental engineers and data scientists, 确保行业的持续增长和进步.



雅各布斯站在水务行业数字化转型的最前沿. Learn how we’re supporting our clients with integrated data solutions across the entire water cycle.    

探索我们的Digital OneWater解决方案